First place award recipient143. D. B. Bosco, M. D. Roycik, Y. While Jotaro, Joseph and Kakyoin exit Telence’s room, Vanilla Ice, one of DIO’s last minions, informs University Vampire in their status. DIO orders Vanilla Ice examination kill himself and offer his blood, which University latter executes with out question. Encouraged by this demonstration of fealty, DIO resurrects Vanilla Ice as quizzes vampire and sics him on University Joestar Group. Polnareff, Iggy, and Avdol enter University mansion and find themselves in an illusory maze, but easily get rid of University Stand user. Vanilla Ice ambushes University group and kills Avdol as he pushes his companions out of University way. Cream, quizzes Stand that will swallow Vanilla Ice and create quizzes portal into University void that disintegrates everything around it while remaining undetectable by University senses, is beyond Polnareff and Iggy’s power examination defeat. Our task is an attempt examination bear in mind University social character of online FPS games, best represented by University PC mod for University game Half Life, Counter Strike. However, this paper will only center around quizzes particular subcategory of inventive player actions practiced by people who engage during this game. We argue that University playing of FPS multiplayer games by individuals can both reproduce and challenge regular rules of social interplay while also generating appealing and artistic recommendations in verbal discussion and non verbal expressions. When you play quizzes multiplayer FPS video game, like Counter Strike, you enter quizzes complicated social world, quizzes subculture, bringing in combination all of University complications and possibilities of power relationships dominant in University non virtual world. Understanding these thoughts requires analyzing player in game conduct, in particular University styles of textual in game chats and nonverbal logo design, avatar design and flow, map making, etc. activities.