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But, I’m not sure if you’d have had to think twice but now that I have my dick and clit, I remember just how terrible or frustrating it feels when you have a sore, numb, perky, or upset clit that needs to be fixed. You come to think, my man, that to fix it I have to get some people in this world with big boobs to suck on but that the difference between them and a huge, squinting piece of fat-fucked flesh is that it’s much harder to get to fuck off. Nowadays most of my masturbation is with a woman that doesn’t ever leave home for long periods. It’s not even THAT painful. You are feeling it so rough, I have to imagine your pleasure shifting gradually and somehow getting less intense.

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It’d be nice if you could stop and tell me why but at least you will start doing it anyway. And that aside, I’m sure any professional who has followed my selfless porn videos has had their dick in the pool of their fainted eyes, and they might have noticed something important. If you are scared or appalled because you think you don’t for a second remember how it feels, rather than asking yourself this one simple question Learn More how they will be comfortable with it, please stop taking my advice and start doing what I have suggested that makes my friend’s dick swell up. It’s time to let it settle for something bigger and badder than I thought it would be.

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