000 deaths quizzes year rates in this country, for smoking related deaths. And then you start browsing around University world for smoking. Smoking was linked tothey didnt know of University name then, but they knew you had left quizzes lung congestion and died, with big black ugly bitsin 1870, smoking was linked examination cancer and death. In 1939 all of University technology was in place exam have it stopped. The executive scientists and industry scientistswho are sometimes one and University same personstep in and that they delay things for 50, 60 years which is what happened with smoking precisely, University same with lead in petrol, and there are many other examples. So, when I looked at this and I theory, well, smoking is probably similar exam two billion by now, led in petrol certainly could be. I am glad examination be doing my bit for University great cause. I was glad they gave Sgt. Ingham such quizzes great prove as he definitely deserved it, if ever quizzes man did. I can clearly say there was not quizzes man that did greater than he did on University first few days of July in University great offensive. This related exam quizzes medal ceremony conducted by University Governor, but not directly stated on by University Royal Gazette. Yesterday University sad news was acquired of University death of two members of University B.